If you’re in Minnesota, and the type of person who typically reads this blog, you surely know about Give to the Max Day. For me, this annual event has little impact on my charitable giving. I might time one or two gifts to occur on this date and venue, to take advantage of the incentives; but for the most part, I have already decided which nonprofits I will support and how much I will give.

The following message, posted by Dana Nelson to a networking group I participate in, got me thinking in a different way about Give to the Max:

“One of the greatest values of Give to the Max Day is to expand the audiences for charitable giving. To find people who aren’t normally asked to make charitable contributions and ask — will you give?

So I ask you, fellow Pollenites, please take a few minutes to look through your contacts and think about who you know who isn’t getting inundated with Give to the Max Day emails. Your dentist? Your hairdresser? Your neighbors? Forward them the Give to the Max Day PSA and let Lindsay Whalen, Garrison Keillor, and Owl City ask them to give. And consider these ideas: 

  • Take a few minutes to walk around your office or neighborhood and ask people if they have heard of Give to the Max Day and explain why it’s a great day to give.
  • Do you have a meeting, event or gathering on Wednesday, November 16? Start with a quick announcement that today is Give to the Max Day and encourage people to participate.
  • Are your kids in sports or evening activities? Ask other parents if they have heard of Give to the Max Day and explain why it’s a great day to give.
  • And of course…. GIVE to your favorite nonprofits and then tweet and post updates on Facebook throughout the day.”

Thanks for sharing these ideas, Dana!