Whether working in politics or for a non-profit, things can get pretty chaotic. I know this only too well from my prior job, working as a field organizer for the DFL. Between the ebb and flow of volunteers, managing materials and putting together reports, things can get pretty overwhelming when working on a project for the greater good.

One thing I’ve noticed in my first week interning at thedatabank is that everyone is pretty cool, calm, and collected. There is a feeling of quiet productivity in our office. It seems as if every cubicle is calmly buzzing with ferocity. Everyone is working on a goal that they feel deeply passionate about: making non-profits effective.

So far, the most valuable lesson I have learned from thedatabank is that panic gets you nowhere, and that organization goes a long way. Your time and resources are valuable, and making sure you are organized is key to being successful and creating a rewarding experience or yourself along with your co-workers and volunteers.

Effective ways for the young, nonprofit professional to organize their time when working for a nonprofit:

  • Make a to-do list everyday – Writing down your tasks can help you feel less burdened. Seeing your thoughts on a post-it note can make them seem less daunting and help you clearly visualize what you need to get done.
  • It is important to make goals and to stay on track – Ask yourself if the task you are working on is in line with the goals and mission of your organization. Make sure to evaluate your organization’s goals annually to make sure they are still in line with your mission. Being efficient is good for yourself and for your cause.
  • Make sure you are utilizing tools that help you organize your time more effectively – It is important that you are fully trained on the tools you are using. This minimizes confusion and maximizes productivity. If you are a client of thedatabank, a good way to do this is to take advantage of thedatabank’s free trainings. For any other tools you use, see what kind of training options are offered.

Your organization’s resources, and your time, deserve to be treated with the utmost efficiency. If you want to see yourself and your organization be successful, make sure you are organizing your time effectively.