Effective immediately, we now have two options for clients to use PayPal as a payment option. The first one is using PayPal as a payment gateway provider. With this, they can use PayPal services to process their donations, set up recurring payments, and more. Clients can also use PayPal Checkout, which is not a gateway provider, but can be used by people making a transaction who wish to use their PayPal account for the purchase.

PayPal as a payment gateway

This would replace a client’s current payment gateway account, as it serves the same function. People making transactions on our clients’ websites do not need to have a PayPal account to make a transaction – one of the supported credit cards like Visa or MasterCard works fine.

One note – PayPal’s payment gateway does not have ACH/EFT capabilities. However, clients can use PayPal Checkout for that option if needed. Speaking of which…

PayPal Checkout

This would NOT replace a client’s current payment gateway, but instead would be used in conjunction with them. This is the PayPal that most people are familiar with when they think of the service. In order to use PalPay Checkout, the person making the transaction would need to have a PayPal account that is linked to their checking/savings account(s) or credit card account(s). The buyer logs into their PayPal account and can pay using their PayPal balance or any linked account.

In other also exciting news, thedatabank, gbc now has a new option for peer-to-peer fundraising!

CrowdRise Integration

With our CrowdRise partnership, Databank clients will be able to set up individual fundraising pages through CrowdRise’s platform, and have the information collected from those pages automatically imported into their Databank accounts. Peer-to-peer fundraising is a specific type of crowdsourced fundraising where individual fundraisers raise money on behalf of your organization. This means you are not just fundraising from your network, but using your network’s network.

Working with CrowdRise integrated into the Databank will give our clients a much smoother peer-to-peer fundraising experience than we’ve ever been able to offer in the past.

If you have any questions about how CrowdRise or PayPal will work with the Databank, don’t hesitate to email info@thedatabank.com.