As a recent addition to thedatabank team, I have a fresh perspective of what it’s like to work here. I thought it would be fun to share with our clients who thedatabank really is, and what makes us different.

What makes thedatabank different?

We are not big. We are a company of 14 individuals, including 2 leaders guiding the ship. Everyone has a different story of how they ended up here – some started out as fledgling interns, some came from the non-profit world, and some wanted change in their life.

We love what we do. No one at thedatabank is here because they are hoping for a gigantic paycheck, they are here because of the difference they can make for nonprofits through technology. For my own reasons, I love working with technology – and now I get to work with it in the context of helping others. I enjoy thinking about what our clients are doing with the technology we provide, everything from protecting our environment to helping people with disabilities. In some small way, I feel like I am helping those causes too.

Our departments are small, but of Rockstar Status. In the Tech department there are 6 of us, but don’t let our small numbers fool you. We are smart, dedicated and occasionally snarky. There are always new things getting developed, old things being rethought, and everyone helps out with Support. So when you submit that support request, if you imagine you just sent your request to a far-off place with 100’s of people sitting at computers who look at the ticket number more than the name, you couldn’t be further from the truth.

Some other factoids about thedatabank crew:

  • Many people here bike to work or take public transportation, because they care about reducing their carbon footprint and being healthy.
  • Sometimes, staff members will bring in fresh baked cookies in the afternoon. Why? Because they’re delicious and they make people happy.
  • Once a month we have Brown Bag Bonding (B3) and we all eat together and play trivia.
  • We organize staff outings and 5k runs that thedatabank sponsors as a way for staff to help support the community (and for the staff to just have some fun together).
  • During lunch breaks or brief meetings in the hallways where different departments meet up with each other, we often spend the precious “free” time throwing around ideas that can help our clients have even better experiences with their Databanks.
  • We also talk about our lives outside of work. There is a master gardener here, avid runners, music buffs, outdoor enthusiast, travelers, and the list goes on.

It is incredible to work at a place that not only values what you do at work, but also outside of work too!

The next time you think about thedatabank, you can imagine us all eating fresh baked cookies in the kitchen or hopping on our bikes in the morning. But most importantly, you should know we are working hard to create, support, and offer you the best nonprofit CRM tool we can!