The Web gives nonprofits so many opportunities to engage with supporters. Here are three things that require relatively little time and money, and can earn a big payoff in terms of widening your reach and deepening relationships.

  1. nonprofit fbA Facebook form that helps you build your database. Embed a form into Facebook that captures information directly into your database, so you’re pulling people into your house list. Make sure you get permission, on the form, to keep in touch via email. You can link the form into your Facebook page menu, or even make it the default page (instead of the Wall).
  2. A mini-signup form on your home page, so visitors can quickly sign up to get your enews. Just get their email address for now. As you begin to reach out to them by email, you will be laying the foundation for future volunteerism, activism, and philanthropy.
  3. Personal fundraising pages. Personal fundraising – individuals asking friends and family to support an organization or cause they care about – is arguably the most effective way to raise money these days. You can expect about a 20% response rate, and I’ll bet you don’t get that kind of response on your direct mail appeals, right? Make it easy for your fundraisers to create their own web page, with a testimonial, goal, progress bar, and sharing tools.

If you’d like to learn more about these engagement tools, contact us here.

What other tools would you add to this list for online engagement?