Georgia Environmental Action Network is thanking its supporters for their powerful actions, which led to two recent successes. First was the unanimous passing of a version of HB 214 that includes historic and important protections for the south end of Jekyll Island. The second was securing funding, including $42.5 million for land conservation and $19 million for the “Go Fish Georgia” program.

How was Georgia Environmental Action Network so successful in persuading these decision makers? They used thedatabank’s Advocacy Software Module, which makes taking action quick and easy for its members. The Action Network sent out email action alerts to their members, asking them to contact their elected officials and urge them to support these issues.

Upon receiving the email action alert, members can follow a link to Georgia Environmental Action Network’s action site where they can view a sample message and send it immediately or personalize the message and then send it. Their elected officials even auto-fill based on their address. It’s as easy as that.

thedatabank’s Advocacy Software Module, which allows people to take action with the click of a button, has a much higher response rate than asking them to make a phone call or write a letter on their own time, because it makes taking action so easy and quick. Georgia Environmental Action Network can even track the response rate of each action alert in their Databank, which provides them with details such as how many people told a friend and how many people took action.

For more information on the Georgia Environmental Action Network, visit

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