Happy first birthday to Technology for Change! No, not our company tagline, our blog.

This has been a year filled with learning opportunities for our contributors, and especially our blog editor. We’ve researched and discussed every angle of this blog. “How many contributors should we have?” “What is the ideal number of posts per week?” “Which topics do our readers respond to most?” We’ve answered many of these questions in the last 12 months, but there are always more things to learn and more ways to grow.

A first birthday is always a time for reflection, so without further ado, here are the top five blog posts from the last year, based on popularity:

5. Technology at What Cost? – by Chris Hanson, CEO of thedatabank

4. Is Your Nonprofit a Good Date? Creating a Welcome Email Series – by William Naylor, Training and Support Specialist at thedatabank

3. Making your Messaging Mobile Friendly – by Melissa Imboden, Marketing Manager at thedatabank.

2. Blackbaud Strikes Again for its Investors – by Chris Hanson, CEO of thedatabank.

1. Ten Ways a Database Can Help Your Fundraising Efforts – guest post by Jessica Haynie of Three Stones Consulting. (Shared in Idealware’s Best of the Web newsletter)

Whether you’ve been reading from day one or you just discovered this blog today, we are happy that you’ve joined us for this ride. And since a blog is nothing without its loyal readers, what topics would you like to see more of (or see, period) in the coming weeks and months?