Search: rogue databases

Don’t overlook Data Migration when calculating the Total Cost of a new CRM

Surprise, fear, distrust, groans and dead silence are just some of the reactions I get from database shoppers when I ask them to send in their data for a Data Analysis. It catches people off guard, I guess – because not all vendors require a Data Analysis in order to write an estimate for migrating your… Read more

Your CRM is basically a superhero

It’s no secret to those that know me that I’m a pretty huge superhero fan. Part of what draws me to superheroes is that they can do so many amazing things. One superhero has the ability to do the work of an entire police force or more. Much the same, having a CRM database eliminates… Read more

Three things that make your database painful to use, and how to fix them (Part 2 -secret stashes)

Since you clicked on the link to this blog post, chances are you are having trouble with your database, or maybe you know someone who does. Well you aren’t alone. In this series we’re looking at three things that can make your database suck be less than ideal. Last time we looked at what happens… Read more