When I first started working for thedatabank in 2006, I was fresh out of college with a marketing degree. I was offered a position as Marketing Intern, and little did I know what a big part of my adult life thedatabank would become.

Professionally I have moved within the company from Marketing Intern to Marketing Coordinator to Marketing Manager to Administrative Manager. Personally, I have gotten married, had two kids, and moved across the country – but thedatabank has always stayed constant and I am so thankful for that. Chris and Mark not only empower their employees as workers, but as whole people. They place a lot of value on work-life balance and encourage us to be active in our communities whether through volunteering, supporting other local businesses, or running 5Ks as company sponsored events. It’s no wonder that three of us in a relatively small office are celebrating 10 years. thedatabank is a wonderful place to work.

Working for a company with a social mission has been extremely fulfilling. Every person I have had the honor of working alongside here has inspired me with their passion for social justice. Most Databank employees have previous nonprofit work experience and it’s really cool to see them pull from that experience when working with our clients. To think of the scale of work that has been accomplished by our clients in the 10 years I have worked here is amazing – not just the day to day work made possible by their technology, but the larger picture of public awareness and support of their mission, and countless lives changed for the better because of what they do. I’m honored to have a small hand in making it happen.

Here are some of my favorite memories of working at thedatabank:

  • My first summer (2006) the entire staff went to the Minnesota State Fair for a day and volunteered at some of our clients’ booths.
  • The User Conferences that we’ve hosted over the years (2010, 2011, and 2013). Getting to meet so many clients face to face is awesome.
  • Staff summer and holiday parties where we’ve done activities like a ferry ride, potlucks, bowling, bocce ball, and dinner out.
  • Traveling to Atlanta, Vancouver, San Diego, and more for nonprofits conferences like the Nonprofit Technology Conference and the Association for Fundraising Professionals Conference.
  • Dozens of potlucks at the office, especially on Halloween when people show up in great costumes.
  • In 2013 the Nonprofit Technology Conference was held in Minneapolis and thedatabank hosted a happy hour at an Irish pub that over 200 people attended.

With how far I’ve seen us come as a company in 10 years (new technology, new employees, a larger office), it’s fun to think about what the next 10 years will bring! It’s an exciting time for thedatabank with their new direction of providing even more customized solutions than ever before. I know thedatabank will continue to be a leader in the nonprofit technology world because of the passion and hard work of the people who make up this company, and our inspiring clients who devote their work to making the world a better place for us all.