
 TNAAP 2014 Legislative Activities

The Inside Story - May 2014

The 108th General Assembly of the State of Tennessee was very busy for TNAAP! We monitored hundreds of bills on a variety of issues, enjoyed a dynamic and rewarding day on the hill, and fought the tough fight for the pediatric community of Tennessee. Some of the key efforts we focused on include:

Home visiting programs and Perinatal Centers: TNAAP worked with our partners to assure home visit and Perinatal Centers funding were retained in the budget at acceptable levels. 

Firearms Bill: TNAAP led the way in opposing a bill that would have limited a physician's ability (and right) to question a patient about gun ownership. The bill was withdrawn.

Insurance Payor Reform (Provider Stability Act): TNAAP was active in supporting the Provider Stability Act, which would limit payors' ability to make policy changes during an existing contract term. The bill was delayed by mutual agreement between parties to negotiate over the summer. The sponsors required the insurance plans to submit in writing their commitment to negotiation in good faith.

Medicaid Expansion: TNAAP remained supportive of Medicaid Expansion (via some form of a "Tennessee Plan"). Unfortunately, it became clear that the current legislature was not supportive of any expansion during this session.

Mandatory use of motorcycle crash helmets: TNAAP was active in a coalition opposing the repeal of motorcycle crash helmets. This effort made more progress than ever, but the bill did not make it out of the Senate Finance Committee.

Neonatal Absitnence Syndrome Safe Harbor: TNAAP opposed legislation that would call for punitive measures for pregnant mothers. Unfortunately, a bill passed that now criminalizes the acts of a drug abusing mother who does not seek treatment. The legislative intent was clearly to be that of a misdemeanor, but there is some question if the actual bill language supports this.

Telehealth – TNAAP supported passage of a bill that requires health insurance carriers to provide coverage under a health insurance policy for healthcare services delivered through telehealth.

TNAAP Day on the Hill: On February 11, 2014 over 30 Chapter members and staff came to Nashville to lobby the Tennessee General Assembly during our Annual TNAAP "Day on the Hill". We met with a record number of legislators, including Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey and Speaker of the House Beth Harwell to discuss our legislative priorities.

For additional information or to express your interest in involvement in our advocacy efforts, please contact Chris Ford, TNAAP lobbyist at Chris.Ford@tnaap.org or Ruth E. Allen, TNAAP Executive Director at Ruth.Allen@tnaap.org

©2014 TNAAP
P.O. Box 159201
Nashville, TN 37215-9201

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