Is there someone special in your life who is a champion for food justice? Do you know someone who has struggled because of the inequities in the food system? Is there someone whose work in the struggle for fairness and equality has inspired you? Would you like to honor the memory of a family member, friend or food justice champion? 

Food First can assist in fulfilling your desire to make a donation in honor or memory of another person. Simply fill in the form below and we will recognize your gift in honor or memory of the person you designate. 

As always, your donation to Food First is tax-deductible. Thank you so much for supporting Food First's efforts to obtain the basic human right for all people to feed themselves. And thanks for doing so by lifting up and recognizing the efforts of others who are inspiring you to join this struggle.

 * = required field

Please be sure to send us contact information for the person you wish to honor or inform about your memorial donation.

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